Wednesday, 10 December 2014


"The Mask"
It was fun making a mask.
 Be careful if you will used the glue gun
 because it's hot. It burns your fingers.

This is the mouth below. 

 This is the nose below. 

This is the eyes below.

 This is the hair below. 


Lino Block "Relief Printmaking"

Lino Block 
"Relief Printmaking"

At first, it was difficult to have a 
design of your own. Secondly, 
cutting the image of the lino block 
was difficult because once you
 cut the piece there is no
 additive adjustment. 
It was fun having 
a Relief Printmaking. 

Neutral Ground/White Chalk "Still life with Cross-hatching"

Neutral Ground/White Chalk
 "Still life with Cross-hatching"

As you see the white color, 
it is filled with white chalk. 
The white chalk value are called negative value. 
As for the dark shaded cross-hatched 
lines are called positive value. 
There are thick and thin lines.  

Description: Block, cloth, pot, and chair's stand

This is the image we're required to view-find the composition. 

1 & 2 Point Perspective "City Scape"

1 & 2 Point Perspective

You may think that drawing
 buildings may be easy. Nope, it's not 
This project was a challenge. 

Black Construction Paper/White Chalk "Lincoln"

Black Construction Paper/White Chalk 

 This is amazing.
 If you darken the image with the chalk, 
it will shine.
 If you lighten the image with the chalk, 
then image will be shown as shadows.
 It was not as easy as it looks to draw Lincoln.
I took at least 5 hours to finalized the image.
When I observed different kinds of 
Lincoln images of the student, 
it's shapes and values are different.
 It's a unique work of art, but it still 
looks like Lincoln. 

This is the image below that 
our instructor give as an example. 

Cross-hatching "the Seated Boy"

 "the Seated Boy"

For this assignment, 
the objective is to draw 
a cross-hatched seated boy from 
the given picture which 
our instructor shown to us.
 The image has the value of thick and thin lines. 
Positive and Negative value that are balance.

This is the artist's drawing below. 

Cross (surface) Contour "Still Life Drawing"

Cross (surface) Contour

 "Still Life Drawing"

This figure was the idea of the instructor. 
He added four to five items with the lines on the projector.
 It was our choice to view-find the composition. 

-There are negative and positive value. 
-Thin and thick lines. 

I did not took a picture of the original, 
but this picture is an idea that the instructor given. 

Keith Haring Drawing

"Keith Haring Drawing"

This is called Keith Haring Drawing 
because the same concept 
of the artist's idea, it is 
to draw symbols of line 
that translates and communicates 
to the people easily. 

This drawing is about
- Under age drinking that can
 cause car crash.
-The child's body is 
developing until the age of 21. 

"Contour/Texture Composition Drawing"

"Contour/Texture Composition Drawing"

     Two people have activities together. 
Boy and Girl focus on the ball.
It's asymmetry image
because it balances the value of 
positive and negative.
 It is called contour/texture
 because there are thick and thin lines
 with different patterns of lines. 

Positive/Negative "Don't draw the Bird"


This is an image of "Don't draw the Bird."

The negative value are
 the empty space or blank value
 that does not have thick and thin lines. 

The positive value 
are the enclosed line
 that are shaded as
 a type of textual pattern 
and image of a fire, and flower. 

Contour Drawing "Upside Down Picasso"

 "Contour Drawing"

                                          This image is 
called "Upside Down Picasso" 
because it was drawn upside down 
within 5 - 10 minutes. 
But I draw this picture 
for at least 5 hours upside down. 

This is the artist's drawing below. 

Studio Non-Major Fall 2014

Welcome to AR 135 - 01! 

It takes time 
and effort 
to complete these assignments 
during the Fall 2014
at Studio Class 
on campus 
at Northern Marianas College.

 See the amazing work that I did!

Anybody can draw
because each one of us are unique.